„Europe Return” – 70x100cm, oil/acrylic
The current painting, of course, has its original inspiration in the ancient Greek myth about the Abduction of Europa by Zeus. Nevertheless, in this painting I wanted to talk about my feelings towards my larger homeland – Europe. From Ukraine and Poland to Portugal, from Finland and Iceland to Greece, this is our home as Europeans. This house will be great and immortal only when it is strongly united, like a homogeneous organism beating with a common heart. Europe is a beautiful and strong Woman. These words gain exceptional power in my Poland today, today, because today a very evil, destructive, anti-European government is disappearing into the dustbin of history, and tomorrow, with a new, democratic government, we will return for good, forever to our European family, European, humanistic values. . It’s nice to be home again and to be able to build this house together again. Btw, we owe the new 1000% better government in Poland mainly to Women